Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Douche-Bags & Bitches

My girlfriend and I had a conversation last night that went something like this:

Me: I have a hard time imagining being a woman and being attracted to men.

Her: Yeah?

Me: Yeah, not that I can't tell which men are more attractive to women, or why, I just think I'd have extremely high standards.

Her: Why's that?

Me: Because most guys are douche-bags.

Her: Well, most girls are bitches.

Me: True, but I think I have less tolerance for douche-bags.

Her: We make exceptions. That's just how we are. I know I couldn't put up with a woman.

Me: Yeah, I guess I'm more willing to make exceptions for a certain amount of bitchy-ness. I guess without the biological inclination to be attracted to men it's very hard to imaging making exceptions. I'd have extremely high standards and would drop a guy at the first sign of douche-baggery.

This conversation came about while watching an episode of Tila Tequila. My girlfriend likes the show and I hadn't seen it before. It's basically bisexual "The Bachelor" for those who don't know.

On this particular episode Tila was down to 4 people, 2 guys and 2 girls, and she had to let one go. In an unprecedented television feat she kept the 3 nice people and dropped the douche-bag.

This guy was livid. He knocked stuff over, flicked everyone off, and stormed out. In the clips earlier in the show he kept saying how much he loved her, but in every shot of him looking at Tila you'd see his eyes scan her up and down checking her out. He constantly had the look of a hungry shark and not once showed any form of kindness or consideration for her. He was out to get laid, and when that door closed his true colors came flying out like a 3 year old temper tantrum.

Of course this is an extreme example, but there is a part of this douche-bag in every man. The true mark of the gentleman is the ability to tame this, to think with the head on top of your shoulders, and to understand that loving someone is first a selfless act, and only secondarily are there any sort of rewards.

And on another note, make sure to act your age. People who hang out with 3 year olds are called parents or baby-sitters.

-J. Eliot

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