So I've noticed on the tracking program that we're starting to gather a number of regular visitors to the site.
I really appreciate you coming to read what I take time to write. Feel free to comment back, to confirm that you agree with what I'm writing, or even to respectfully debate an issue. If there's a topic you'd like discuss you can write me directly at or in the comments.
I wanted to throw this out there to see what help I could get. I'm looking to gather some pictures of what to, and what not to, wear. Send in pictures of men you see on the street or find online. You can attach them to the comments or to my email, either way is fine.
When I get enough good examples (and go for the extremes!) I'll post them up and we'll have a discussion about what works and what doesn't in men's fashion.
Thanks for the help!
-J. Eliot
sometimes the clothes do make the man
1 comment:
If you look under categories you can look at just the photos of men, definitely not the full scope you're looking for but I'm sure you can find a some good shots! Definitely some "How to wear a suit" options.
PS-Randomly found your blog and read a few entries, and as a woman I can definitely say I agree with most of what your saying. Nice job! I hardly ever agree with anything. Now your girlfriend just needs to start writing "The Lady's Guide" so while you decrease idiocy in men she can help fight craziness in women. Only fair.
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