Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fashion is Essential for the Gentleman

The Gentleman would not be complete without the knowledge of how to look good when presenting himself.  

So here's a little secret. You can find all sorts of things on, but for the Gentleman's interests there are few subreddits more valuable than MaleFashionAdvice and MensFashionAdvice.

Here's a handy guide to suits, because we all know that a Gentleman is not complete without the perfect suit.

-J Eliot

lookin' good, Gents

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's the little things.

It still surprises me every time someone discovers kindness and finds it unexpected.

Let me explain.

As a gentleman there are small things you work into your identity over time - opening doors for people (not just women); responding to the cashier's, "Have a good day" with a genuine, "You too!"; or even offering to drive.

In general when my girlfriend and I head out on the town I've established that we'll take my car and that I'll drive. Please note that this isn't any sort of control issue, or critique of her driving, but a simple courtesy. The idea is that 1) she'd rather not have to deal with traffic and 2) the wear on my vehicle and cost of gas is something I'd willingly contribute to the relationship. It's a small price to pay for her admiration.

So, we've been together for a while now and I'm very much used to just driving regardless of the situation. This last weekend she invited her girlfriend to come out with us for the day. This was a decision she made without me because her friend was without family for the holiday, which wasn't a problem at all. So I picked them both up and we headed off to our plans.

I think I did a total of about 3 1/2 hours of driving, a few hundred miles, and most of a tank of gas. Upon exiting the car when we finally got back she said in a very sincere tone, "Wow. Thanks so much for driving and letting me join you guys."

Now this is a little thing, but the idea remains that she didn't just thank me for letting her join us for the day. She thanked me for driving.

This wasn't even on my radar and I had no need for a thank you, but in some small way it impressed her that I'd take the time to drive and make things easier for her.

My girlfriend then responded about how I always drive and how much she likes it. You know you're doing something right when they tell their friends about it, even when it's the little things.


they add up

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Proposing for Marriage

I've put up an article here at eHow about proposing for marriage.

It's a nice and quick read and might help some of you gents out.

In a nutshell the best advice is to go beyond her expectations and make it a good and memorable story. Believe me, she'll be retelling it.

A lot.

So make it good.


all the best to ye gents

Friday, January 9, 2009

Yours truly on

Have you heard of It's a handy little site with "How to" articles written by staff and volunteers that cover almost every topic you could imagine.

Deciding to join the riff-raff I've thrown down some nouns and verbs and joined the ranks of regular guy writing how to articles about stuff I know. I figured it was a good fit.

I'm about 7 articles deep as of this week. They're all quick reads and could be handy.

Check my little part of the eHow world out here and maybe even give a few searches of your own a try. Let me know what you think.

-JE might like my zombie article...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How To Be A Complete Douchebag in Ten Easy Steps (or how not to be a gentleman)

1) Be Selfish.

2) Treat women like objects.

3) Refuse to smile but laugh way too loud at lewd jokes.

4) Be Selfish.

5) Make sure the hair is always high, the collar always popped, the bling is always plentiful, and the tan always fake.

6) Be uncomfortable with every emotion other than anger and then use it to cover up your insecurities.

7) Be Selfish.

8) Perceive every other male in the room at a threat, and then get in their face.

9) Be extremely homophobic, but spend more time with your boys pumping iron and admiring your male bodies than is natural for any heterosexual male.

10) Be selfish, constantly.

Oh, and bonus: Be selfish.

-J. Eliot

feel free to comment with your own

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How to determine if she has a boyfriend.

While perusing the referrer list from today I noticed that a number of people were somehow directed to my blog with the search "determining if girl has boyfriend."

My first thought was, "How odd..." Soon followed by, "Actually, that's a good question." And after a little mental juggling and an "ah-ha" moment (not the band...) I decided I simply must post.

It seems to me that there is a simple 2 step checklist, or maybe even a flow chart, if you will, that will guide you to your goal in determining the singular (or dual???) nature of a potential prospect.

Step 1: Determine if she is attractive. Yes, this is an actual step and I'll tell you why. Attractive girls, and I mean truly attractive girls - the ones that catch every guy's eye as they walk into the room - are never, let me repeat, never actually single - ever. So is she really really smoking hot? Yes? Then yes, she is taken. She might not say she is, and could swear up and down that she's not seeing anyone, but that simply isn't true. All this means is, "Well, I know I shouldn't be with (Insert douchebag name here) anymore but I get lonely sometimes..." And you can fill in the rest.

Basically these types of women are either, in Facebook terms, "In a Relationship" or "It's complicated." This isn't necessarily a bad thing because "It's complicated" means there's an opening... there's room for improvement. And if you can stick your foot in the door at just the right time you might get in.

Oh, and don't worry about trying to determine which stage she's in. If she's having relationship issues, you'll know. Girls like this love to talk about why Mr. Douchebag made them unhappy this time and you should be able to pick up on that.

Ok, so what if she's not the really really hot type? What if she's just a regular, yet still attractive girl? Move to Step Two.

Step 2: Determine if she's a good girl or a bad girl. This isn't too difficult either. Either she's overtly sexualizing every attractive (or maybe unattractive) guy around her or she's not. The real trick lies in determining if she's a secret bad girl.

So lets take a step back. You're a gentleman right? That's why you're visiting my blog, I assume. You're not interested in the bad girl. Believe me, that will only end terribly - either by you cheating yourself by loosening your morals, or by forcing a long term relationship where one doesn't belong. So the real question is: Is she a good girl or a bad girl pretending to be a good girl? This we will come back to.

For now, we will assume she's a good girl. In this case she's probably a very nice person and you will want to start up a conversation, which shouldn't be that hard. (If she doesn't meet these basic criteria, back away anway... who wants someone hard to talk to, or unkind anyway?) Within the conversation there are several ways to breach the subject of relationships. Tell a story (not too revealing) about a past ex and see if they reveal anything. Get to know a friend and maybe they'll let you in on the girls status (and if they offer the info for you then you know there is some interest already). Or just come right out and ask.

There's no fowl in just asking (after breaching the conversation barrier and establishing that she feels comfortable), and strangely enough most girls don't put two and two together that the reason you're asking is because you're interested. They begin to suspect it, but will rarely believe it outright. Unless they're afraid of you and then they'll readily jump to this conclusion. But if they like you at all there will be part of them that holds onto doubts in order to keep their hopes from getting too high.

But what about the bad girls that pretend to be good girls? Well that, my friend, is a whole other topic. This might actually be a good thing as long as they're not too bad. A little crazy is fun (and part of the female mystique), but too much crazy is no good.

Maybe we'll touch on this more in the future. Until then, start up some conversations and keep your morals sharp. And as always, questions and comments are welcome.

-J. Eliot

maybe I'm crazy

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hot Chicks with Douchebags

Here's my favorite new blog: Hot Chicks with Douchebags

This guy is a genius. I don't know where he gets the pictures and his commentary is hilarious. He does a good job updating every day and even has an annual "Douchies" award.

This is a very good example of what not to be... and if you happen to notice a picture of yourself on his blog, guess what...